I am ready to defy this world and its vile master
To Everlasting hands I hold fast, they hold me faster.
Mine eyes still see such threat of disaster
My troubles they spin us round on a castor.
Yet I hold mine eyes high, beneath a stern brow.
Pressing my arms, legs and back to an invisible plow.
My God plans new gardens to be planted just now.
I'll strive on to harvest only what He will allow.
The Resilient Bruise became a callous, now dead to mere pain
I shovel coal for a new purpose, I fuel a new Train.
I heard God call for me, to rise from my disdain.
He told me my rough places soon would be plain.
I heard in my spirit more trouble is coming.
That Satan would put me through an awful drumming.
I prayed for deliverance, my spirit still strumming
and feeling God's peace like and old woman humming.
I strolled through valley of darkness, others to my left and right.
We strive to conquer Satan's madness, but only through God's might.
Today I leave the shadows, strive to keep within God's light.
And to trust Him ever stronger, to carry me through my plight.
I am JAPOC. I am clay. Though I may become a brick.
I am a candle to the world, holding high a lighted wick.
The confused and aging man has gotten himself a brand new trick.
The Ordinary Pain became an intermittent prick.
I am gathering my New Armor. I have kept up with its parts.
I embrace my master's love, I feel Him in my heart of hearts.
I know not where this race is running, but I'll finish what I start.
Still one of Satan's targets, though I welcome his next dart.
I know my God still hears me, but now I hear Him in return
To think that I once dreaded an infinite and horrible burn.
But now I turn my focus to God's word and all that I must learn.
I will also relish this new yearning that I began to yearn.
I fantazise of a stroll, my own footprints in the sand
set beside my lord and master's, I've become Just Such a Man.
Through all my pain and troubles, I hold tight to Jesus' hand.
Thrilled by glimpses of the future and my place in my God's plan.
It's not so much a Daily Struggle; it is more a walk with Him.
These pictures I once painted, they're not so grey and grim.
I just needed to lose some branches that God saw fit to trim.
I am ready, Lord just send me. My cup is filled up to its brim.
I feel I could keep on writing of His goodness and His grace.
I can't believe I have to go to work, just want to steal away someplace
I could just sit and read His word and think about His face.
My spirit said to me, "You're almost ready. Get set to run His race."
Awed my gumbo took this long, through grace though it gets ready.
I ponder Moses and his own plight; how long he took to steady.
For forty years out in the wasteland, he treaded water in an eddy.
or was he speeding past God's glory that was calling him already?
Looking over my own shoulder as I step into ambient glow
I saw my own path of doorways, the ones I no longer yearn to know
To Satan and Associates, I know thee. Your tricks my God will show.
Truly there is One Name above all others, with Him my soul shall go.
No matter what the situation, no matter your own calling
At times you wrestle with God, At times you need a brawling.
Accept His pruning, then enjoy His special brand of enthralling
And then you'll trust His Grace like me and let Him catch your Falling.