I have good memories from few days, knowing men of strong gaze.
It was my father first that showed me through his ways
A quiet strength to "IT" done and just knowing that you can.
I thank God I had such role models. My granddaddy was such a man.
It's not always something that makes you sing.
It may be a known, unspoken thing
that yet makes you feel like king.
just understanding what accomplishments internal strength may bring.
Some men will do what must done whether or not they have a fan.
I know my granddaddy was just one such a man.
And so seeing tradition's hold, a story which must be told
of how he overcame his darkness which covered pole to pole.
And in so doing, stored up treasures for his eternal soul.
The world needs men that act like men in their youth and when they're old.
Granddaddy did his duty. He played just such a role.
Granddaddy had this air - it confirmed what he could bear.
He could carry his own cross and still have a smile to share.
Some men hide well what they can stand.
They hold still in burning sand.
I know granddaddy was just such a man.
He was my father from afar, with simple greatness he was on par.
To his family, a shining star, either walking or in his car.
I remember getting good advice that was straight and to the quick.
He wasn't concerned with too much image or talking to you slick.
If you ever needed a plan, talk to Granddaddy.
He was the man.
So, I think of my own traits; the stuff to stand between the gates.
I ain't too 'fraid to hook my bait, or go out fishing and come home late.
I might mess up, but I'll get straight even though I can't quite give a date.
Having the will to stand right by my mate. When trouble comes, on God I wait.
This world needs role models with such a plan.
My Granddaddy was just such a man.
To take the task on free of doubt. To take glory without a shout.
To deal within just as without. To conquer fear as though a rout.
To face head on each coming drought.
To know what victory is all about.
Granddaddy was just such a man. A soldier always with a plan.
A Swiss pocket-knife in hand to peel a fruit or open a can.
Family should be your biggest fan.
My Granddaddy was just such a man.
Featured in Becoming JAPOC